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The Water Nation has had enough of humans polluting the waters of the world and have flooded a large portion of the planet, declaring war on the world. It's up to the Avatar, master of all four elements, to bring balance to the world once more.
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the bird takes flight (invite only.PM) Empty
PostSubject: the bird takes flight (invite only.PM)   the bird takes flight (invite only.PM) I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 6:56 pm

Four in the morning.Well sometime around that.Minari wasn't sure what time it was exactly.He had no way of knowing at this time.It was so dark out that he could not see the digits on his watch.In fact to be completely honest he could barely see where he was walking.It was pitch black out at this time.There was no sign of the sun in the horizon at this time.This time of the morning was not safe to be walking around in.For some reason the monks at the temple had insisted he leave this early for reasons that they did not inform him of.This just seemed entirely ridiculous to him.He couldn't even see where he was walking.

The journey was going slowly for him.He had barely gotten anywhere at all due to having been walking very slowly and steadily due to the lack of sunlight.After what seemed like forever he could finally see the first rays of the sunrise in the distance.At least things would be getting better soon.He decided to just stand there and watch it for awhil for he was in for a long walk.A very long walk.

The sunrise was a joy to watch.When its rays finally lit the ground making it so that he could see around him he looked back along the path he had been walking.Wow did he ever manage to avoid some serious obstacles along the way.How fortunate this was.He could have seriously been hurt while walking around in the dark.As he started walking again he heard a famaliar noise.He looked around and saw the source of said noise and smiled.At least he wouldn't be alone.

For days on end he would travel, crossing one area after another, across where water lied and where it didn't, simply going where he believed he needed to go.At one point he grew so tired he wanted to fall asleep right where he stood.It was then that he saw some buildings in the distance.He thought this area had been completely destroyed in the flood.Curious he walked towards the buildings.Minari found himself in a village that reminded him to an extent of his former home.And just like his village this place was in danger.Some of the water kingdom soldiers were troubling the residents of this place.
"By word of the Queen this village is now property of the water nation.It's residents must make proper compensation in a routine monthly basis or it shall be wiped out."One of the guards spoke, reading from off a message in a scroll in an absolutely arrogant matter
One of the villagers who had been near them spoke.He seemed to be one of the leaders of this village."But we don't have the supplies necessary to do so.We barely have enough for ourselves."
The soldiers spoke louder now in an angry manner."Do you defy the queen swine?Must you be executed as an example for your fellows to understand the importance of paying your compensation?"He pulled out his sword and held it against the villager's throat.

Minari did not wish to fight but he could not bare to see these people be forced to suffer.Channeling the power he had learned to control at the temple he unleashed a blast that knocked aside these soldiers without hitting any of the villagers.Something he was very careful to insure happened.The soldiers had been brought to the ground and were shocked and angry at what happened.
"An airbender here.Well then you can be the one who dies as an-"
He was cut off in mid-sentence.Minari had attacked again.This time however the attack didn't hit him.Instead he had destroyed the soldier's sword with a blast of wind.The soldier was now no longer as sure of himself as he was before.He got up and ordered his fellows to retreat all the while threatening to get revenge on him for this day.
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