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The Water Nation has had enough of humans polluting the waters of the world and have flooded a large portion of the planet, declaring war on the world. It's up to the Avatar, master of all four elements, to bring balance to the world once more.
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» Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions
Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 2:56 pm by Guest

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Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2013 1:07 am by AvatarAndrew

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Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 5:54 pm by AvatarAndrew

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Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 4:04 pm by AvatarAndrew

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 Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions

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Mr. E

Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions   Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 2:53 pm

Hey folks. I enjoy Avatar so I wanted to check out what this whole deal was about, but I found little to no information on the site and what goes on here. So, here are some ideas that might make your site more new user friendly.

First, post a story, plot and history of your site. Like the story would be what's going on now. The plot would be more OoC and talk about how the players fit in, and the history would be a great place to include where this series departs from the actual one.

Another thing these two threads

are in different places. But they could easily be the same thread. In fact, You could make it easier on everyone, abolish those two threads, and include their content on the Character Template. This would involve less running around for potential members.

Another thing that confuses me, is the "point" system. I understand how it works. Super simple, and it might even be too easy to reach. (Fifteen posts is nothing character development wise.) Does it only apply to your bending level? Or will you be implementing a stat system. (Which would be a great way to impose balance and diversity on everyone. Actually, isn't the Avatar all about balance? Haha)

You could have something like this. A 24 point system (With benders getting four extra points because they have an extra stat). Upon character creation, each character has twenty two points to spend. A maximum of seven in each stat, with the seventh being earned later. Maybe every fifty posts a character would receive one more stat point to distribute, and every 150 posts a person could put something into a level seven stat.

Intelligence - Relates to how well your character can handle thinking outside the box. If you don't invest a lot in INT don't expect people to take your plans or ideas seriously.

Strength - Pretty self explanatory. You can either punch a wall through, or barely lift your wrist. Adds to how far you can jump

Speed - How fast you run, and how agile you are while on the move. Does not effect reflexes. (Thought it certainly helps in a fight.) Adds to how far you can jump

Endurance - How much punishment you can take, or how long you can keep up a strenuous activity, as well as your fortitude at resisting diseases.

Fighting Skills - This is how well you can hold your own in a non bending fashion. Plus your reflexes.

Bending power- How much influence you have over your chosen element.

Bending Form - This explains how much fine control you have over your element. A little practice can go along way. (Non Benders can learn bending forms to make them better fighters.)
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Mr. E

Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Oh. And another thing   Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 2:56 pm

By the way. What level of rping would you say the site is at? Is it literate? Are one liners acceptable? Do you need proper grammar and the such to participate?
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Kinda lost on your site. Here're some suggestions
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