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The Water Nation has had enough of humans polluting the waters of the world and have flooded a large portion of the planet, declaring war on the world. It's up to the Avatar, master of all four elements, to bring balance to the world once more.
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The Rules (Start Here) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 4:04 pm by AvatarAndrew

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PostSubject: The Rules (Start Here)   The Rules (Start Here) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 4:04 pm

As we all know, Rules are needed to keep things intact. Here are the RPing and General rules of the site.

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(Chatbox Rules)
*No Racial slurs
*No hazing
*No serious threats
*No soliciting
*No flamming/ overboard trolling

*No Avatars
*No cannon characters unless talked about with staff (I.E. you can't be Korra's cousin or Toph's great granddaughter)
*No God modding
*No sex topics/PMs (there are plenty of smutty sites for that guys)
*Just have fun. After all this is our escape from reality. Try not to take it too seriously, because at the end of the day it is just a game.

Arguments: Keep them clean and healthy. No personal shots, just make your point and kiss and make up.

Role playing:
*Turn based role play, at the start of the topic you all decide the order of posting.
*No killing characters (other people's) without their permission, it's just not nice.
*As long as you've accomplished something, you can go collect XP
*If your character is under 14 they shouldn't be out and about in a war filled world. They should be at home, or at a temple training. Exceptions will be made for good cases.
*Don't steal people's work or words unless you're quoting them. We work hard on what we do, so should you.
*Re-read your posts. We live in the day of spell check. Go back and make sure it is presentable to your posting partner(s)

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