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The Water Nation has had enough of humans polluting the waters of the world and have flooded a large portion of the planet, declaring war on the world. It's up to the Avatar, master of all four elements, to bring balance to the world once more.
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Trace Weylyn

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Join date : 2012-12-13

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PostSubject: Trace Weylyn   Trace Weylyn I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 5:27 pm

Name: Trace Weylyn
Nation: Earth
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’
Weight: 174 lbs

Bender Level: 2

Personality: Trace is incredibly upbeat and charismatic, showing enthusiasm in everything he does. This often annoys some people who dislike how positive he is about everything. He never realises this, as he is quite oblivious to all but the most blunt of messages. He is known for being impulsive and reckless.

History: Trace is the son of the owner of a grocery store. At a young age, he learned the value of hard work, and knows that someday his duty will be to take over the store. He decided that, to make up for this, he would cram his life full of activity before that happened, in order to fulfil his life’s desires before he has to resign to a boring life.
At the age of ten, he fell in with the wrong crowd and learned basic thievery from a Ba-Sing-Se street gang, as well as a few other skills, but eventually decided that a thief’s life was not for him, due to the constant sneaking around, and the fact that he was terrible at keeping secrets. As he grew up, he became slightly more mature, and is now more focused on helping others than being a selfish kid. He has only recently begun training his bending, but shows much potential.

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PostSubject: Re: Trace Weylyn   Trace Weylyn I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 5:54 pm

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